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Pimsleur Japanese Review

Discover whether Pimsleur is the right language app for you to learn Japanese

Mathias Johansen
Mathias Johansen
Mathias is the founder of Guide2Fluency, and is located in New York City. Originally born in Norway and now living in the US, Mathias has also lived in Germany, France and the UK. He is fluent in four languages and holds a Certificate in Intercultural Communication. Language is Mathias’ passion, and he founded Guide2Fluency with the aim of helping everyone become bilingual.

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The Pimsleur Japanese language program offers a structured and immersive approach to mastering conversational Japanese, catering to beginners and intermediate learners alike. With its focus on audio-based learning and repetition, the program promises to build confidence in speaking and understanding Japanese in real-life scenarios. This review will explore the program’s strengths, limitations, and overall effectiveness for those seeking to embark on their Japanese language journey.

Pimsleur Language App


  • Multiple Subscription Options
  • Money Back Guarantee
Our Score
  • Ideal Japanese language program for auditory learners
  • In-depth audio exercises that feature fluent Japanese speakers
  • Accurate, easy-to-use speech software
  • Variety of reinforcement drills (reading, writing, speaking, listening)
  • Modern, intuitive digital interface and mobile app
  • Slightly more expensive than Duolingo/Rosetta Stone
  • Not a great fit for visual learners

The Pimsleur Method For Learning Japanese

The Pimsleur method for learning Japanese focuses on audio-based lessons that emphasize listening and speaking skills, helping learners develop conversational fluency. The program uses a gradual, spaced repetition technique to reinforce vocabulary and phrases, making it easier to retain what you’ve learned.

Example practice drill from Pimsleur

Lessons are structured around real-life dialogues, allowing learners to practice and apply Japanese in practical scenarios. This method is particularly effective for those who prefer learning through auditory means and want to build confidence in speaking Japanese from the start.

How The Pimsleur Japanese Course Is Organized

The Pimsleur Japanese course is structured into five levels, each progressively more advanced, with 30 lessons per level. Each lesson starts with a 30-minute guided audio exercise where an English-speaking moderator walks you through a simulated Japanese conversation, encouraging active participation by having you repeat phrases and answer questions.

A peek inside the Pimsleur Japanese course

As you advance, the moderator uses less English, helping you rely more on your growing Japanese language skills. After the audio session, you’re prompted to reinforce what you’ve learned through various drills and exercises, including flashcards, quizzes, and pronunciation practice using the company’s Voice Coach tool.

Pimsleur Japanese Cost

Pimsleur offers two subscription options: Pimsleur Premium, which provides access to the Japanese course for $20 per month, and Pimsleur All Access, which gives access to over 50 languages for just $21 per month.

While Pimsleur is slightly more expensive than competitors like Rosetta Stone, its cost can be more manageable if you share the account with a partner or friend, reducing the price to $10 per month.

Additionally, Pimsleur offers a 7-day free trial, allowing you to test the program before committing, which is a feature not all Japanese language apps provide.

Pros Explained

Now that you have a clear understanding of what the Pimsleur Japanese program costs and how it generally works, let’s discuss the strengths of their learning experience.

Realistic Audio Lessons

One of the standout features of Pimsleur Japanese is its focus on audio lessons. Unlike other language apps, which often resemble games more than serious study tools (e.g. Duolingo), Pimsleur offers a more authentic learning experience.

Example audio lesson from Pimsleur

The 30-minute audio sessions at the start of each lesson are immersive, helping you develop both listening and speaking skills by simulating real Japanese conversations. This approach is particularly effective because it teaches you how to engage in actual dialogue rather than just memorizing vocabulary, making it easier to apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations.

The natural flow of conversation, combined with guided moderation, makes this aspect of Pimsleur especially valuable.

Ability To Learn-On-The-Go

Since the core of Pimsleur’s 30-minute lessons is audio-based, we appreciate how easily you can fit them into your daily routine, almost like listening to a podcast.

Whether you’re doing household chores, taking a walk, or working out, these lessons are designed to be flexible and mobile-friendly, so you don’t have to be tethered to a screen like with many other language apps.

In our experience, it’s sometimes more effective to learn a language by simply listening and letting your brain naturally absorb the information, rather than being overly focused on visuals.

Pimsleur even offers a driving mode in their mobile app, allowing you to learn during your commute, which adds to the program’s convenience and adaptability.

Pimsleur Voice Coach

One of the most exciting updates to Pimsleur is the introduction of their new speech recognition tool, Voice Coach. For a long time, Pimsleur lagged behind competitors like Rosetta Stone and Babbel, which already had speech technology in place, but they’ve finally closed that gap.

The Pimsleur Voice Coach

The company’s Voice Coach records your voice and provides feedback by displaying what it “heard” you say in Japanese, helping you fine-tune your pronunciation. What sets it apart is that it prompts you in English, requiring you to recall and say the Japanese phrase on your own, which deepens your learning and encourages critical thinking.

While it’s not flawless, it’s a significant step forward for Pimsleur, making their program much more comprehensive and effective for mastering spoken Japanese.

Awesome Digital Platform

We found Pimsleur’s digital platform, both on desktop and mobile, to be impressive in terms of design and usability. The interface is sleek, responsive, and straightforward, making it easy to navigate and follow along with your lessons.

A well-designed user interface like this is especially beneficial when learning Japanese because it minimizes distractions and lets you focus on the material itself. In our opinion, Pimsleur’s platform rivals the best in the language learning space, offering a smooth and visually appealing experience that enhances the overall learning process.

Cons Explained

Now that we’ve covered the positive aspects of the Pimsleur Japanese program, it’s only fair we also discuss the negatives as well.

Lack Of Visual Appeal

Given that Pimsleur’s lessons focus heavily on audio and text, it might not be the ideal choice for visual learners. Aside from the reinforcement exercises following the audio lessons, the program offers minimal visuals or images, which could be challenging for those who rely on visual aids.

Limited pictures and video with Pimsleur

This approach aligns with the “Pimsleur Method,” which emphasizes developing listening and speaking skills over reading and writing. So, if you’re someone who needs visual elements to enhance memory retention, Pimsleur might not be the best fit—perhaps Rosetta Stone’s Japanese course would be more suitable for you.

Limited Reading/Writing Practice

Another drawback of Pimsleur is its limited focus on teaching Japanese reading and writing skills. While there are some lessons on Kana and Kanji in the later stages of the program, they only cover the basics.

If reading and writing in Japanese are just as important to you as speaking and listening, you might find other programs like Rocket Japanese more suitable. Pimsleur’s primary emphasis is clearly on verbal communication, so while you’ll gain basic literacy, it’s not the main focus of the course.

Lessons Require Time

While Pimsleur’s lessons are highly effective, they can be quite lengthy. Each lesson, including both the main audio and reinforcement drills, takes about an hour to complete.

Although the content is thorough and valuable, the duration can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have a short attention span. I often found myself needing breaks halfway through to stay focused. If you prefer shorter, more bite-sized lessons, apps like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone might suit you better.

Verdict: Is Pimsleur Good For Learning Japanese?

Overall, our team is quite impressed with the Pimsleur Japanese course and its recent updates. The audio lessons are highly effective, even if they are a bit lengthy, and the follow-up drills do a great job of reinforcing what you’ve learned.

The company’s new Voice Coach tool is a valuable addition for practicing pronunciation and enhancing your critical thinking skills, although it could use some more robust exercises. The program’s clean design and organization make it a well-structured option for learning Japanese.

Pimsleur clearly stands out as a solid choice among the Japanese language programs our team has reviewed.

👉 Read NextBest Apps To Learn Japanese

How much is Pimsleur Japanese?

You have two options for accessing Pimsleur Japanese. The first is the Premium plan, which provides access to the Japanese course alone for $20 per month. Alternatively, you can opt for the All Access plan, priced at $21 per month, which includes access to over 50 languages in case you want to learn multiple languages.

Is Pimsleur Japanese Worth It?

In our team’s view, Pimsleur Japanese is indeed worth the money. While it may not have the playful elements of apps like Duolingo, its structured approach and audio-focused lessons are highly effective for developing listening and speaking skills.

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